Sofa with a fur blanket and cushions, coffee table and armchair, in the background ear sculpture and painting above a console tab;e

Sofa with a fur blanket and cushions, coffee table and armchair, in the background ear sculpture and painting above a console tab;e

Kuva ID: 13424954
Lisenssityyppi: Rights Managed
Kuvaaja: © living4media / Scoffoni, Anne-Catherine Esittely
Oikeudet: Kuva on saatavilla eksklusiiviseen käyttöön
Model Release: ei vaadita
Property Release: There is not yet a release available. Please contact us before usage.
Tulostuskoko: n. 48,77 × 32,51 cm/ 300 dpi
ideaalinen koko tulosteille enintään DIN A3

Hinnat kuvalle

(book, digital media, magazine, newspaper, television etc.)
alk. 20 €
(electronic, outdoor, print, television etc.)
alk. 40 €
consumer product
(calendar, greeting, post card, packaging etc.)
alk. 100 €

Series Icon Kuva on osa sarjaa

Round table with books, leather armchair, in the background ear sculpture and painting above console Looking into the living room with an ear sculpture in front of a balcony door French sofa with fur blanket and cushions in a living room with two balconies Sofa with fur blanket and cushions, coffee table and armchair, in the background 70s dining table under a painting Large painting above a console Sofa with a fur blanket and cushions, coffee table and armchair, in the background ear sculpture and painting above a console tab;e 70s dining table with classic chairs under a painting


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