Modern hallway in a college with skylight and glass stairwell (Oxford and Cherwell Valley College)

Modern hallway in a college with skylight and glass stairwell (Oxford and Cherwell Valley College)

Kuva ID: 11126965
Lisenssityyppi: Rights Managed
Kuvaaja: © living4media / View Pictures
Oikeudet: Kuva on saatavilla eksklusiiviseen käyttöön
Rajoitukset: clearance required for commercial uses
Model Release: ei vaadita
Property Release: There is not yet a release available. Please contact us before usage.
Sijainti:Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Tulostuskoko: n. 43,35 × 28,91 cm/ 300 dpi
ideaalinen koko tulosteille enintään DIN A4

Hinnat kuvalle

(book, digital media, magazine, newspaper, television etc.)
alk. 20 €
(electronic, outdoor, print, television etc.)
alk. 40 €
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(calendar, greeting, post card, packaging etc.)
alk. 100 €

Series Icon Kuva on osa sarjaa

View through a glass stairwell into an atrium of a college with modern design with a skylight and see through balustrades (Oxford and Cherwell Valley College) Contemporary designer sofas and stools in the waiting area of a modern college (Oxford and Cherwell Valley College) Modern hallway in a college with skylight and glass stairwell (Oxford and Cherwell Valley College)


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