Kitchen counter with stainless steel cooker and dishwasher, station clock next to vintage shelving

Kitchen counter with stainless steel cooker and dishwasher, station clock next to vintage shelving

Kuva ID: 00284185
Lisenssityyppi: Rights Managed
Kuvaaja: © living4media / Bellmann, Bine
Oikeudet: Kuva on saatavilla eksklusiiviseen käyttöön
Model Release: ei vaadita
Tulostuskoko: n. 28,9 × 43,35 cm/ 300 dpi
ideaalinen koko tulosteille enintään DIN A4

Hinnat kuvalle

(book, digital media, magazine, newspaper, television etc.)
alk. 20 €
(electronic, outdoor, print, television etc.)
alk. 40 €
consumer product
(calendar, greeting, post card, packaging etc.)
alk. 100 €

Series Icon Kuva on osa sarjaa

Crockery and ornaments on antique, white-painted kitchen dresser White crockery on white wooden table in front of tall, period windows High-ceilinged period room with antique furniture on simple wooden floorboards Crockery and ornaments on antique, white-painted kitchen dresser Kitchen with antique, white-painted wooden dresser and elegant, upholstered chairs at simple wooden table Sofa with cushions in period sitting room with wooden floorboards View through double doors of kitchen-cum-living room with antique chairs and white-painted dining table Silverware and candle on cabinet in corner of room with half-height wood panelling Cat on a chest of drawers Kitchen counter with stainless steel cooker and dishwasher, station clock next to vintage shelving Silvery cutlery and tea towels Wilted tulips in a ceramic vase Silver cutlery on tray (close-up) Crockery, glasses and tealights in holders in cupboard Crockery and glasses on a chest of drawers Wall shelf in kitchen


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