Bygone Charm with Style

Bygone Charm with Style

Artikkeli 14111807 | © living4media / von Einsiedel, Andreas | 19 kuvaa

Susie & David's thoughtfully furnished 1500s home has a timeless appeal; UK

The interior of Susie's listed home in Rye, East Sussex, is much like the vintage clothes and accessories she deals in - graceful and timeless. She and her husband David designed the home to have a strong sense of place and individuality, which they achieved by mixing pieces for a classic look that doesn't feel over-decorated.

Artikkelinro.: 14111807
Kuvien lukumäärä: 19
Teksti: Text written upon request (700-1000 words, English)
Kuvaaja: © living4media / von Einsiedel, Andreas
Text Writer: Johanna Thornycroft
Aihe: Interiors
Oikeudet: Worldwide first rights available upon request, except in UK
  • clearance required for all uses
Model Release: ei vaadita
Property Release: saatavilla
Hinnat: Pyynnöstä. Ota yhteyttä saadaksesi tarjouksen.
Tilaaminen: Ota yhteyttä saadaksesi high res-kuvat ja tekstit.

Kaikki artikkelin kuvat (19)

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