A Wish Come True

A Wish Come True

Artikkeli 13917649 | © living4media / Hoge Bavel-Jansen, Corine | 41 kuvaa

Evelien & Sjouke's renovated farm mixes industrial, rural and country styles; NL

On a sunny Sunday, Evelien and Sjouke were cycling in a rural area in the north of the Netherlands when they saw a lovely old farm that was for sale. The couple thoroughly renovated the old building and created a beautiful kitchen diner for the whole family, built in the spot where the cows once stood.

Artikkelinro.: 13917649
Kuvien lukumäärä: 41
Teksti: Text written upon request (300-700 words, English)
Kuvaaja: © living4media / Hoge Bavel-Jansen, Corine
Text Writer: Wilma Tjalsma - Smits
Aihe: Interiors
Oikeudet: Worldwide first rights available upon request, except in NL
Model Release: There is not yet a release available. Please contact us before usage.
Property Release: There is not yet a release available. Please contact us before usage.
Hinnat: Pyynnöstä. Ota yhteyttä saadaksesi tarjouksen.
Tilaaminen: Ota yhteyttä saadaksesi high res-kuvat ja tekstit.

Kaikki artikkelin kuvat (41)

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