Passion for Rural Living

Passion for Rural Living

Artikkeli 13915642 | © living4media / Hoge Bavel-Jansen, Corine | 45 kuvaa

Vera & Stef have built their dream country home out of luxurious materials; NL

When the opportunity arose to build in an area where Vera spent most of her childhood holidays, she and Stef didn't hesitate. Though they had renovated and built several houses before, this project became about creating a dream home that would last. To this end, they have used beautiful, artisanal materials for a clean take on country living.

Artikkelinro.: 13915642
Kuvien lukumäärä: 45
Teksti: Text written upon request (300-700 words, English)
Kuvaaja: © living4media / Hoge Bavel-Jansen, Corine
Text Writer: Wilma Tjalsma
Aihe: Interiors
Oikeudet: Worldwide first rights available upon request, except in NL
Model Release: There is not yet a release available. Please contact us before usage.
Property Release: There is not yet a release available. Please contact us before usage.
Hinnat: Pyynnöstä. Ota yhteyttä saadaksesi tarjouksen.
Tilaaminen: Ota yhteyttä saadaksesi high res-kuvat ja tekstit.

Kaikki artikkelin kuvat (45)

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